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wound hygiene


Wound Hygiene

Guidelines for taking care of minor wounds such as cuts or scrapes.

wound care step-1

Wash your hands.

Wash your hands with a hygiene soap to help avoid infection.

wound care step-2

Stop the bleeding.

  • Usually minor wounds stop bleeding on their own. If not, you can apply gentle pressure by using a sterile bandage or a clean cloth.
  • Elevate the wound.

wound care step-3

Clean the wound.

  • Use clear water to rinse the wound.
  • Clean around the wound with a diluted antiseptic liquid and cotton wool.
  • Cleaning the wound with antiseptic liquid can help reduce the risk of infection.

wound care step-4

Apply an antiseptic cream.

Apply a thick layer of antiseptic cream to the wound to help keep the surface moist.

wound care step-5

Cover the wound.

A bandage or Band-Aid plaster can help to keep the wound clean and keep harmful bacteria out but if it is a minor scrape or scratch, leave it uncovered.

wound care step-6

Change the bandage or Band-Aid plaster.

Change the bandage or Band-Aid plaster at least once a day or when the bandage or Band-Aid plaster becomes wet or dirty.

Ref: J&J internal data

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